How can I be a user?
To be part of the E.D.S.F. door energy labelling programme simply register via the Sign In! area.
There are two available account types:
- BASIC Access
: Unlimited free sample labels for Sales & Marketing purposes.
- FULL Access
: Official registered labels for Production purposes, available under EDSF pricing scheme.
How do I use the web platform?

Once registered, you can enter in the Users area just introducing your User name and Password.
Afterwards, you can simply generate each label as necessary within the user Dashboard area, completing the requested data in the form you find when you click New label.
Here you can find a platform user manual as reference.
In Full Access, the production of the labels requires the prior acquisition of Label Packs for 10, 50, 100, 500 or 1000 units.
On generating each label two documents are produced:
- A technical report in pdf format explaining the calculation carried out and a display of the label
- A file with the image of the label in pdf format for printing and affixing to the corresponding door
How do I use the label and the report?
The technical report can be delivered for customer information together with the technical documentation of the door (Data Sheet, Declaration of Performace, Enviromental Product Declaration, etc.).
Printed on adhesive paper, the label can be affixed to the corresponding door. There are two label images generated in two different sizes:
- Regular label (240 x 110 mm) to be affixed in a visible place upon installation or comissioning.
- Small label (163 x 60 mm) that can be permanently affixed on the product.
The original dimensions of the label image files should be respected.
How do I manage my label data ?
Cloud Platform
Standard access to the platform. The whole process is carried out on-line, without the need to install any application, having permanent access to the platform for the generation of labels. The integrity and security of information is fully guaranteed.
There is also the possibility to store the data on the client's server (In-House option) under request. For more information on this option please contact us.
In-Company Integration
To integrate the generation of labels in your company IT systems, like ERP or BIM, you can access the system through an API to get the labels under special commercial conditions.
In this way you can generate all labels you may need inside your company. Please contact us to have more information about this possibility.
How much does the labelling cost?
The generation of the labels carries a minimum charge applied primarily towards the maintenance,
development and promotion of the labelling system.
BASIC ACCESS is totally free.
FULL ACCESS has no membership fee and there is a small cost per label, acquired in label packs. Fee per label is 0,5 euro.
VAT is not included. Payments are made via transfer.